Robert F. Williams Tribute Committee
The Robert F. Williams Tribute Committe is made up of several friends and local
community activist who organized a tribute entitled Honor Our Heroes While They're
Alive in honor of Rob and his wife. Unfortunately Rob past, but the tribute went on as
planned on November 1, 1996, in the General Lecture Hall at Wayne State University,
Detroit, Michigan. At The Tibute, the Committe made a pledge to reprint Brother Rob's
book, Negroes With Guns book. We need your help to make this goal a success.
When you pledge or give $15.00, you will receive a copy of Negroes With Guns, once it is
reprinted. We will welcome larger donations if you so desire.
Please make checks payable to:
Robert Williams Tribute Committee.
Send pledges and donations to:
Robert William's Tribute Committee
P.O. Box 32004
Detroit, Michigan 48232-0004
Thank you for your help and understandging.
The Robert F. Williams Tribute Committee,
General Baker, Jr.
Grace Lee Boggs
Mike Hamlin
Charles Simmons
John Williams
Date:______________ Pledge Amount:________
Phone:(area codes)______________________fax_________